Monday, December 14, 2009

Time RXR (two of them)

Originally uploaded by shamacycles
So my customers usually have a very different way of thinking...or justifying certain things. Everyone that rides has one bike at least. Then you need a second one that is just different...or maybe you need a triathlon or TT bike. Maybe a cross bike. Maybe one race and one fun. Who knows...but some times you might share time between two places and if you race you might want two race bikes. So what do you do? Buy two of the identical bike with all the same parts and let the accents of brakes, bar tape, cables and cages change the look. With the change of a couple items here since pics. We have a Good and Bad version of the same bike. One has white bottle cages, brakes, bartape, saddle, and cables. The other...those items are black. Pretty awesome if you ask me especially when its Time's newest premier road bike the RXR. Being the only stock bike line I sell it had to be special for me to sell it. As you can see from the pics this bike is super sexy. The frames come with the stem and an integrated seat mast.
Side note on integrated seat masts. You have to cut them down to get the saddle height right. If you cut them too low you are done...hope to find someone with shorter legs to ride it or you just bought a this case...this is about one of the most expensive frames there I took about an hour of looking at this thing before I cut it. I was talking to myself and was bad. Finally I cut it just right and I could relax once do this twice. job really is tough and stressful. haha
So on with the parts.
Sram Red shifters, front and rear D, Zero Gravity GSL brakes, Rotor 3D cranks, Rotor SABB ceramic, Time pedals, Selle San Marco Regal saddle, Deda Zero 100 bars, Gore sealed cable system. Elite cages. 16lbs with training wheels...

Ahhhhhh to have two bikes...two really really really nice bikes...everyone should live this well. And I am only to happy to help...

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